REAL ESTATE AGENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR COACHING WITH “COACH SUPER MIKE” Kindly fill in your answers below with as much detail as possible. Full Name: * Home Address: Cell Phone: Email Address: * Spouses name: Do you have the 100% support of your spouse for coaching and for your real estate career? Real estate agency name: Real estate office phone: Real estate office address: Do you primarily operate from your real estate office or a home office? Why? How long have you been practicing real estate? Are you full-time or part-time? With which real estate companies have you been affiliated with? What is your business website address? Is this website through your brokerage or paid for by you and operated by an outside company? Do you have a CRM? Which company do you use for your CRM? Do you have a computerized database (Sphere of Influence) of clientele? How many people are in your Sphere of Influence? Are you an individual agent or on a team? If on a team, what is the team name? Are you a team leader or team member? If you are a team leader, how long has your team been in existence? How many team members do you currently have (agents/staff)? Describe the team. This includes splits for agents, longevity for agents/staff, staff pay, team GCI, roles of each team member and any other details you can provide.. FOR THE ANSERS BELOW, please DO NOT INCLUDE RENTALS. Also, if you are a team leader, please provide 2 answers for each question. List your PERSONAL production and the TEAM production for each answer. Last year (January 1 –December 31) how many homes/properties did you sell? Last year (January 1 –December 31) what was your total sales volume? Last year (January 1 –December 31) what was your average sales price? Last year (January 1 –December 31) what was your GCI (Gross Commission Income)? How many units do you currently have pending and what is the total volume? Year to date from January 1st, how many homes did you sell? Year to date from January 1st, what is your total closed sales volume? Year to date from January 1st, what is your average sales price? Year to date from January 1st, what is your personal GCI (Gross Commission Income)? How many active listings do you currently have in your inventory? How many listings do you typically hold in your inventory at any given time? How many hours do you currently work each week? What is your hourly rate? Do you have a day off? If so, what is your day off? Do you take vacations? If so, describe. Describe what your current real estate business looks like. Use as much space as you need. Do you consider yourself someone who is malleable? Are you emotionally and financially ready, willing and able to invest in your real estate career at this moment? Are you willing to take the guidance of a coach and implement new strategies regardless of how different and unique that they may be? Do you consider yourself a real estate broker/owner or CEO? Have you had real estate coaching in the past? If so, what company did you coach with and who was your coach? How many years were you with your coach? Why are you no longer with that coach? Do you have a real estate logo? If so, please copy and paste it here. Do you have a real estate slogan? If so, what is it? What are your immediate goals (30 days)? What are your goals for the next year? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Do you have an exit strategy from real estate? Do you use written tracking for your business/brokerage? If so, describe what and how you track? Do you have a written budget for your business/brokerage? If so, describe what program you use and how often you view your budget. Why do you desire to hire “Coach Super Mike”? What specifically do you want “Coach Super Mike” to help you with over time? Please be as detailed as possible. Use as much space as you desire Rank your TOP 3 present coaching needs. Is there anything that you’d like “Coach Super Mike” to know?