Real Estate Business, Team or Office Dissection Questionnaire ™ “Coach Super Mike” is looking forward to helping you dissect and improve your business. Kindly provide answers to the questions below. Upon completion of the form below, “Coach Super Mike” will follow up with you to set up scheduling. 1. Company/organization name: * 2. Company/organization address: 3. Company/organization office phone number: 4. Contact name: * 5. Contact Cellular Phone Number: 6. Contact email address: * 7. Are you an individual agent, team or brokerage? 8. Will “Coach Super Mike” spend time at your office dissecting and improving your own business or that of your team or brokerage? 9. What are your top 5 struggles that you would like to have addressed while "Coach Super Mike" is at your location? 10. Would you consider your business to be failing, just getting by, in great shape or thriving? 11. Tell us why, please don't hold anything back and be very detailed and descriptive. This is the only way that we can provide the greatest amount of assistance to you. 12. Do you have systems in place for your business? If so, please describe which systems you have in place. Examples include unique client follow-up, scripts and dialogues, forms, client events or any other systems you can think of. 13. Do you have an electronic database/sphere of influence? If so, how many contacts do you have in your system? 14. Do you have a CRM (client relationship management system)? If so, which one do you use? 15. Do you utilize any electronic signature programs such as Dot Loop or DocuSign? 16. Do you use any software to track your transactions such as Sky Slope? 17. How do you handle payroll for staff members? Which company provides this service, if any? 18. As a leader of your organization, would you consider yourself to be an agent, broker, staff member, slave to the business or CEO? Why? 19. Do you own any real estate or do you lease the space that you occupy? 20. Are there any staffing or employment contracts/agreements in place? Please describe. 21. Are there any short or long term contracts/agreements with any vendors such as Zillow,, a CRM or any other vendor? 22. Do you currently have a brand, slogan and/or logo? If so, please describe. 23. What was last year's and your current year-to-date sales volume? 24. What was last year's and your current year-to-date gross commission income? 25. What was last year's and your current year-to-date number of total sales, not including rentals? 26. What was last year's and your current year-to-date total expenses? 27. Do you keep a written annual budget? If so, please email last year's and your current year-to-date budget to: 28. What is your unique selling proposition, if any? Meaning, what makes your business unique, interesting, valuable and saleable? Why should clients choose YOU versus your competition? 29. Who, specifically, is your biggest competitor in your marketplace? 30. Have you built your business to sell it or is this not a factor? 31. How many years has your business been in existence? 32. Are there any priorities that you’d like “Coach Super Mike” to know about prior to meeting you? 33. Is there anything else that you think “Coach Super Mike” to know that may be of importance?