Real Estate Mystery Calling Questionnaire ™ “Coach Super Mike” is looking forward to helping you with mystery calling for your business. Upon completion of the form below, “Coach Super Mike” will follow up with you to set up scheduling. 1. Company/organization name: * 2. Company/organization address: 3. Company/organization office phone number: 4. Contact name: * 5. Contact Cellular Phone Number: 6. Contact email address: * 7. Are you an individual agent, team or brokerage? 8. What is the reason that you desire to have mystery calling executed? 9. Did a specific event occur that is motivating you to conduct mystery calling for your business? If so, please describe. 10. Who would you like to mystery call? Please be specific and list names and phone numbers of everyone that you’d like us to mystery call. NOTE: NO CALLS will be made until a full consultation is done with you. 11. Is there any particular dialogue that you'd like “Coach Super Mike” to have with any particular member of your team during any of the mystery calls? Please describe in detail. 12. Please confirm the scenarios that you'd like “Coach Super Mike” to perform. Examples include but are not limited to: calling for information on property, determining how long it takes an agent to answer their phone, calling to set up a potential listing appointment, presenting specific objections, etc. 13. When would you like the mystery calls to be executed? Please be specific as to month, dates, times, etc. We will do our best to accommodate but cannot guarantee exact dates and times. 14. Is there anything specific that you'd like ascertained from the mystery calls? 15. Please let us know of anything else that may be important to you regarding our mystery calls.